Producing the Timeline X In-game Music

The following 2 tracks are draft tracks of in-game music on different levels/maps. Underneath each track is a concept art image of what the level is likely to look like.



The first track plays in the open field/giant graveyard map during night time. The environment of this map has emphasis on horror themes made prominent by the nightime setting and graveyard/church that carries undead supernatural connotations. The fast paced bass synths and slow ghost themed synths reflect the undead supernatural connotation whilst the minor chord patterns of the harpsichord reflect the bleak nightime setting.




The second track plays in a town map during daytime. The environment of this map is based around the town becoming a battleground with bodies on the streets, enemies within close range and buildings smashed and on fire. Furthermore the town map has connotations of danger, progression and triumph because the player has to go through challenging close quarter fights to control the town territory. The slow bass synths reflects the connotation of constant danger whilst the chord and melody progression of the harpsichord and lead synths reflect the connotations of progression and triumph.

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